Due to the Covid-19 emergency we had to make the difficult decision to temporarily postpone routine dental appointments in the clinic, which included orthodontic appointments. We are conscious that our patients with braces may have questions or concerns about postponing their appointments.
The good news is that there are rarely any orthodontic emergencies and if you do have one, our wonderful orthodontist Dr Sinead O’Brien has put together some advice and tips to help you manage your braces, while you can’t get into see the dentist.
Tips for patients with fixed braces
If a small piece of your brace comes loose, the rest of the brace is still functioning so do not be concerned. Here is some trouble shooting for some minor issues you may encounter:
- If a wire or bracket is loose and not giving you any trouble – this can be left alone until your next visit.
- If a part of the brace is rubbing on your cheek/lips and causing pain or a mouth ulcer, use the orthodontic wax over this area of the brace until your next appointment, remember the wax will only stick if your fingers are dry, and you dry the area you are placing it. If you have run out of wax, please contact the practice and we will post some more out to you.
- If you have been told to wear elastics and you are unsure which way to wear them, it is best to discontinue wearing them until your next visit.
- If you have run out of elastics, please contact the practice and we will send some more out to you. Make sure to take a photo of the packet of elastics so you know which type to ask for.
Tips for patients with Invisalign
If you have lost an aligner – and a) you were nearly ready to change to your next aligner – please proceed to the next aligner which you may need to wear for a few days longer than normal to make sure all the tooth movements are achieved. Or b) If you had only started the current set of aligners and have misplaced them – please go back to the previous set of aligners and contact the practice and we can order a replacement aligner for you. Please be aware this can take a week or two, so look after the previous aligner by steeping regularly to keep clean.
- If you have to wear a set of aligners for longer than 2 weeks, make sure to steep every second day to keep them clean.
- If a large area of plastic between the tooth and the aligner is visible i.e. the aligner is not fully seated on to the tooth/teeth by the end of the week- please go back to the last set of aligners that fit fully with no gaps of plastic, and wear through each aligner for a week again, using the chewies regularly (ten times a day!) and the tooth should then be fully engaged in the aligner. If there is still a large gap of plastic after trying this, then do not proceed with any further aligners – continue to wear the same aligner until your next visit with us.
- If you have run out of chewies, please contact us and we can send you out some more.
- If an aligner starts to tear – you can still wear the aligner, just be careful taking it in and out. If it fully tears and you cannot wear the aligner – please revert to the previous set of aligners, contact the practice and we can order a replacement aligner for you.
- If an attachment comes off, please continue to wear your aligners as normal, losing one attachment should not stop the aligners from functioning and we will check this at your next appointment
If you have any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to call our team on (01) 454 2022 or email info@portobellodental.com. While you may not be able to visit us for a little while we will still do our utmost to be of assistance with advice and tips that will help you with your braces and dental health.